Jessica Schaub and I met on LinkedIn. Jessica writes books for adults and children. But she almost didn’t become a writer. Fortunately, she met a great teacher in high school who reignited her love of story.
What’s you earliest memory of writing or drawing?
Nothing specific comes to mind, just a general memory of always reaching for the new crayons and enjoying watching the black and white coloring pages come to life with color.

As for writing, I’m a late bloomer. My sixth grade teacher assigned two creative writing assignments a week, but didn’t provide any ideas or instruction. It pretty much destroyed my interest in writing for years. It wasn’t until high school, under the tutelage of an amazing teacher that I rediscovered the love of story – both in reading and writing. Luckily, that stayed with me and when my children were still napping, I used that quiet time to discover new books and decided to try my hand at it.

What is your favorite children’s book?
Narrowing all the amazing literature for children down to one favorite it tricky, so I’ll mention the book my son asks me to read most often: The Three Pigs, by David Weisner. Even at almost four-years-old, my son recognizes the humor of the story and loves to details in the illustrations. David Weisner’s adaptation of the traditional tale is ingenious! If I can add a book for older children, I would have to say The Never-Ending Story by Michael Ende. This was the book that first captured me when I was in the 7th grade. I received this for Christmas and spent the next two days reading. I had never experienced that “I can’t put this book down” feeling before. I was hooked.
What was the inspiration for your book?
Because I write novels and picture books, my inspiration varies for each. Novels are geared toward Christian ideals without being overtly Christian in nature. I’m not out to share a bible story, but to share a story in which Christians experience difficulties in life and try their best to respond accordingly. Unforgettable Roads, released in April 2013, was inspired by the idea that everything we can become is determined not by what happens to us, but by how we respond to those events. In picture books, I focus more on connecting science and literature. Frog’s Winter Walk is the first of what I hope will be many Frog adventures as he explores the world, asking questions and conducting experiments.
Tell us about your latest writing project.

I’m currently working on sequels for both the books mentioned above.
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
Oh, good question! The Bible, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas, 101 Ways to Eat Seaweed (not a real book, but it would be handy)*
*I found a few seaweed cookbooks. Just in case you want to keep one in your travel bag. 🙂
Seaweed Soul, Seaweed: A Cook’s Guide, Sea Vegetables: Harvesting Guide

Tell us 3 strange and wonderful things about you.
When I was pregnant, my go-to-craving was strawberry shortcake with ham and cheese inside the biscuit. And, yes, I topped it with whipped cream. I have four children, three daughters born of my womb and one son born of my heart. My husband and I are building a house on some acreage in hopes of becoming farmers. As a suburb girl, this is risky. As a writer, it seems like a great supply of potential stories.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“In writing, there is no room for cowards.”
Jessica is a wife and a mother, a sister and daughter, coffee addict and fan of wine-tasting. She wakes early to write, spends the day homeschooling her four children, and loves to volunteer at her church – her home-away-from home. During pleasant Michigan weather, Jessica packs up her exercise videos and takes up running. “My children and I make an effort to visit every playground in a 50 mile radius each summer.”
Contact Jessica
Twitter: @JessicaSchaub1
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Jessica’s Favorite Dinner Recipe
“Here is a link to an amazing dinner that leaves no leftovers because it is so tasty.”
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